Stop storing air! Reclaim up to 83% of your workplace storage space
Shelving and racking systems don’t always provide the best solution for storing small parts, tools or equipment. Boscotek High Density storage eliminates wasted space using configurable drawers and compartments providing storage for a large volume of items in a small footprint like this example shows. So stop storing air!
At Boscotek, we recognise well organised storage brings efficiency. The BOSCOTEK™ High Density range is designed to maximise your space, providing a full range of options to create the ideal storage solution for your application.
Inefficient storage systems can have a negative impact on your business. The effect may cause unscheduled down time, loss of inventory and inefficiency affecting productivity and at times staff morale. The way your organisation stores and maintains tools, parts and equipment can have a major effect on the smooth running of your day to day operations and bottom line.
BOSCOTEK™ High Density storage systems are ideal for storing anything from bones to bolts. Used in a workshop they provide an excellent means of storing a wide range of tools, components, instruments and parts.
In a laboratory; specimens, chemicals and specialised equipment can be held securely.
In a manufacturing plant they provide an ideal solution for holding spare parts and inventory.
In a museum they can be used to archive artefacts, plans, maps or fossils.
The benefit of High Density storage is the ability to cleverly maximise available space. By selecting drawers and accessories which suit the items being stored, you will be amazed at the volume of items which can be housed in a small footprint of floor space.
Boscotek is 100% designed and manufactured in Australia. No supply chain risk.
Boscotek has a 5 year manufacturer’s warranty
Click on the link to download the Boscotek brochure.