A high profile client with a high-quality solution in their brand new purpose-built premises. Boscotek NZ distributor, Sitech, worked extensively with the architect and end-user from concept to completion to ensure the highest possible standards for fit, finish and functionality were achieved with one part of the installation spanning an impressive 45 metres.
Full customisation is available with just a site plan
With a state of the art manufacturing facility at your fingertips, jobs that were once out of reach can now become reality. Boscotek’s manufacturing facility hosts a wide range of machine technology like laser cutting and punching machines, automated bending presses, robotic welding cells, CNC machining centres, powder coating lines and much more.
Design & Development
We thrive from tough engineering challenges. Our experience and proven installation track record means you no longer have to say no to profitable projects.
It Begins At The Production Line Because Boscoteks’s cabinets, enclosures and accessories all manufactured in Australia, you can have your say on every aspect of your hardware needs before it is even made. https://sitech.co.nz/case-studies/boscotek-customisation